Tiff & Jack's Newest Flagship Life Coaching Program - Absolutely FREE!

We started our life coaching business in Jack's basement almost 8 years ago, and we've grown to a full coaching practice and are ready to expand our reach, hence the birth of our Beta Group Coaching Program.

For the first time ever, together as a group online, we're going to help you identify and get rid of the negative thoughts you've been believing telling you why you can't or shouldn't have the life you want. We'll reveal our A-to-Z approach to help you create YOUR life, YOUR way.

And we want to share this experience with you. We're offering a select group of our community the opportunity to participate in a Beta Group for our newest Signature Program.

Before we launch this course, we want to make sure we have a strong group of motivated people like yourself, going through the program with us...and getting real results.

To earn your FREE spot inside our beta course, follow these steps to apply:

Create a 2-min (or less) video and share via Dropbox by Sunday, June 11, 2017 at 11:59PM MDT, answering the following:

*This video doesn't have to be professional, just use your smartphone and be yourself.

  1. Your name
  2. A bit about your life (what's working now and what isn't)
  3. Share what you'd like to see different.
  4. What do you think is getting in the way?
  5. How do you think this coaching program with Tiff & Jack can help you?
  6. What's the #1 thing that you'd want to have or experience by the end of the Beta Program?

*Use the title "Tiff & Jack's Beta Scholarship Video Entry: [Your Name]" 

Here's what we're looking for:

It's plain and simple, we're looking for people that we can have the most impact on. We're looking to work with people who are willing to learn something new, have a great "can do" attitude, and a relentless pursuit for everything you desire in life. If you feel like our coaching and support can help you, we will most likely pick you.

We're only selecting between 20-25 Beta Users.



50% Complete

Two Step

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