Share Your Magick

This course helps you understand, awaken and expand your spiritual gifts. Tiffany shares why she created this course and who it's for...

Share Your Magick Course Includes:

  • 6 Online Learning Modules (fully downloadable) 
  • Includes Q&A + Recipes & Natural Remedies
  • Course Materials accessible 24/7 from a smart phone, iPad or computer, on-the-go
  • This course is for you if you're ready to recognize your own spiritual gifts, and gain confidence in using them to bring joy and healing to yourself and others.
  • This course will give you knowledge, and with that knowledge, your understanding and awareness grows, opening your mind to attract more abundance and happiness into your life.


This module covers Spiritual Gifts, what they are, and why they're important. This serves to help you understand yourself better.


In depth discussion on being Clairaudient, Clairsentient, Clairvoyient, and Claircognizent. Are you one, two or more of these?


Covers Past Lives and how they directly impact your here-and-now. You'll be taught an easy way to get in touch with one of your own past lives.


The important messages coming through from the "other side." How to connect with deceased loved ones and others.


What is Magick, and how to use it in your everyday life. Understanding the Law of Attraction like you've NEVER known it before.


A plan to help you beat overwhelm when it shows up and to easily and quickly tap into your well-spring of happiness when using your gifts on yourself and others.

Share Your Magick Online Learning Course includes:

  • 6 Online Learning Modules (instantly accessible & fully downloadable)
  • Includes Q&A + Recipes & Natural Remedies
  • Course Materials accessible 24/7 from a smart phone, iPad or computer, on-the-go
  • This course is for you if you're ready to recognize your own spiritual gifts, and gain confidence in using them to bring joy and healing to yourself and others.
  • This course will give you knowledge, and with that knowledge, your understanding and awareness grows, opening your mind to attract more abundance and happiness into your life.
  • Cost: $147

"I have more energy and my anxiety is way down. I'm so ready to take the next leap into my life. This is precisely what I needed to take my stress away and set me on the right path."

Eric Morley
Seattle, WA

"Amazing!! After working with Tiff I discovered so many new things about myself and I'm feeling so much more comfortable because I finally understand who I am! It's literally unreal. I'm beyond grateful."

Jaycee Mae Dix
Salt Lake City, UT

"After a session with Tiff I enjoy a sense of calm and feel like I know myself better. Often I have felt that everything about me didnā€™t quite go together, as if there are missing pieces. Tiff shows me those pieces in our sessions. I see the world more clearly, and realize more deeply that weā€™re all connected. What a gift!"

Kelly Verstraete

"Working with you has opened me up to so much more. I love the fact that I feel more energized and my business is running more efficiently on less effort. Even though I still have some down times, everything feels less overwhelming and easier."

Trish Vierra

"My thoughts and energy around money and finances has been totally reprogrammed because of sessions with Tiff & Jack. I used to have so much fear, so much anxiety, so much doom...and now, the majority of the time, everything is lighter! "

Ashley Wilkinson