210 - Navigating the 3D/5D Shift (Part 1)

Hey there, cherished listener!

Get ready to dive into something truly special with our latest episode, "Navigating the 3D/5D Shift (Part 1).”  We're taking a deep dive into the heart and soul of what it means to move from our everyday, physical world into a space where everything feels more connected, more loving, and just... more.

You know how we're all about exploring those big, mind-bending ideas together, right? Well, this time, we're contrasting the world as we know it (yep, all that tangible, touchy-feely stuff) with the incredible possibilities of a higher state of being. Think less separation, more unity. Less me and you, and more us.

We'll unpack what it means to live in a 3D world (hello, ego) versus stepping into the expansive vibes of 5D consciousness. Imagine a place where love isn't just a word, but the very fabric of existence, and intuition guides us like a GPS for the soul.

But it's not just about understanding these concepts – it's about feeling them, making them a part of your journey. 

Whether you're all-in on this consciousness shift or just curious about what the heck 5D even means, this episode's for you. We're exploring how this shift impacts our personal growth, our connections with others, and yes, even the planet.

So, grab your favorite comfy spot, hit play, and let's explore together how to navigate this shift. And as always, we're here to chat, laugh, and ponder the big questions with you. 

Can't wait to hear what you think!

Catch you in the episode.


Tiff & Jack




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