What Divine Masculine Has Taught Me

divine masculine Apr 08, 2024


(Long read so get ready baby. 😘)

Because I'm not a man I can't speak for men - however, I can speak about what it's like to be married to a man that lives in his Divine Masculine.

The  most important thing that I've learned while living with the Divine Masculine is that it's OK for me to rest in my Feminine Essence.

This is such a relief!

Jack's energy makes it possible for me to more easily live in my feminine essence, therefore helping me feel more balanced in my life.

(Because each of us has feminine and masculine energy inside of us, you don't have to be with another person in order to feel balanced or whole. I have chosen to do this with another person because it feels the most comfortable to me.)

When Jack and I chose to commit to each other and spend our lives together, we had decisions to make in how we'd show up for each other.

We choose to live in an interdependent relationship.

We rely on each other, and we're completely invested in each other's well-being.

I live in my dominant energy, which is feminine, and Jack lives in his dominant energy, which is masculine.

This creates balance and sexual polarity in our relationship.

I love it!

The Divine Masculine is a glorious aspect of my life experience - here's what it looks like through my eyes.


1. Emotional Intelligence: He understands and controls his emotions while exhibiting traits of compassion and empathy.

2. Self Confidence: He embraces his strengths and weaknesses without arrogance or defensiveness.

3. Integrity: His words and deeds match - honestly without compromising his values.

4. Personal growth and inner work: He's dedicated to expanding his consciousness, and facing his shadow.

5. Respectful of his personal power: He practices kindness, consideration and thoughtfulness - no matter his status or station.

6. Physical health and mental well-being: He creates a balanced lifestyle by incorporating meditation, good eating habits, exercise, pleasure, and rest (so he can show up in the world with energy, vitality and charisma).

7. A leader: He has the ability to guide, inspire and empower others.

8. Accountability: He takes ownership of his actions, decisions, and their consequences.

9. Ethical: He adheres to a strong ethical framework in his personal and professional life.

10. Honors the Goddess: He sees the truth and the power of the Woman and supports her power along with her passions and endeavors. He is a protector and a fierce warrior in her behalf. He also cherishes her sensuality by living in the Divine Masculine.

These are the gifts that I experience living with my husband - and as far as I can see, or understand, at this time in my life, this is the true definition of The Divine Masculine.

My respect for Jack is profound and it truly blesses my life as it allows me to rest in the flow of my creation.

Mama Tiff