What Julia Child and I Have in Common
Mar 23, 2024
*Beware ~ I say the "F" word in here a few times. If you don't like it - stop reading now. 🫢
Not too long ago I learned that one of my idols, Julia Child, is my cousin.
I was overjoyed!
I've always loved her so much.
If you know me (even just a tiny bit), you probably have a pretty good idea that I LOVE cooking.
And of course I would be in love with making delicious food - Julia Child and I share a blood line! Seriously!! 😵
Can you believe how deep cell memory (DNA) goes??!
And another interesting tidbit, did you know that Julia was as passionate about her marriage as she was for cooking?
She would speak openly about the "3 F's" in regards to men.
"You Feed them, Fu** them, and Flatter them," she would say. (Yes, she had a potty mouth too.)
Years before I knew what Julia believed about men, I had already formed my own beliefs about men because of my relationship with Jack and the couples we had worked with in our life coaching practice.
And I called them the "3 F's about men," too.
My 3 F's included: "Feeding them, F***ing them, and having Fun with them (as in being willing to go on adventures with them)."
Isn't that wild?!
It was a revelation!
When I realized how similar Julia and I were, right down to the way we thought - I was deeply moved.
We LOVE making good food and sharing it with others.
We drive the same car - a Volvo.
Have a strong love for Fred Rogers.
We each take great delight in teaching with simplicity and making things easy to understand and to do.
Our personality, passion and perseverance are mirrored.
AND we love "3-f-ing" our men. 😘
Thank you Julia for helping me know myself better through my love of you.
Even though her body is gone, I am inspired by her.
And just between you and I, I often feel her presence in the kitchen with me.
What a gorgeous life she lived, and what a positive impact she's had on my life and in the lives of so many.
JULIA says:
"This is my invariable advice to people: Learn how to cook - try new recipes, learn from your mistakes, be fearless, and above all have fun!"
Here's to you, %FIRSTNAME%, and your gorgeous life - may it be filled with new things, letting your "mistakes" be a step in a direction that feels even better to you, facing your fears head on, and above all else may you find yourself having FUN in the most suprising of ways.
Love you!
Mama Tiff