No More Waiting - YOU are Being Called NOW!

5d empathlife shift Nov 02, 2023

Hello beloved.

I cannot sleep.

I'm overcome with spirit and at the same time I'm feeling the deep chaos in different parts of our glorious world.

Sometimes I just have to stop, and a take a deep breath to connect to that part of me that knows that LOVE is the greatest force on earth.

We  are living in a time where we are being called into a new place. A place where we can no longer sit on the fence. We are being asked to let go of the old ways of being. We have to choose whether we will live in love or fear.

You see, I know you are a creation of love -  yes, you!

Everything you've experienced up to this moment brought you to a level of strength that will help you make this critical decision.

If you think you you have no power - please hear me when I tell you that you are a DIVINE BEING here to stand in your bright light.

My friend, you were born at this time to stand as a beacon of light as the shifts of Earth are taking place.

There is no more waiting for it.

It is Now!

You will make a difference either in love or fear.

What will you choose?

Will you open your heart to your human family without judgment?

Will you look at your brothers and sisters in the eye and see the GOD within them.

Will you finally be willing to see your own divinity?

Dear Friend, you are a beautiful unique expression of the DIVINE.

Your spiritual awakening is now.

I know you can feel it.

You are going to be stretched like never before. You are going to feel deeper emotions than you have ever felt. You will feel waves of joy, love, bliss and hope out of the blue. Pay attention to the signs all around you. Allow the miracles to find you.

There are new vibrations raining down upon us so we can finally see the NEW EARTH AND THE LOVE THE WE ARE!

Let's do it together.

Don't be afraid.

All is well.

There is a reason you are here, you are enough!!!!!

I love you.

Mama Tiff