You Are Different

empath tips Nov 12, 2023

...from Mama Tiff

Hello beloved!

There's a reason you get headaches and back pain.

There's a reason that when you look at someone you love, the tears come up because you feel it so deeply.

There's a reason you're so sensitive to fluorescent lights and loud noises.

You sense everything in a deep way.

You're an Empath.

As an Empath you feel and experience things deeper than 80% of the planet.

It's now been scientifically proven that the Empath has a brain that work differently. The mirror neurons of the brain are more active. That means you have more emotion and energy to manage than 80% of the world.

The truth is - you are different and you've always felt it.

When you have to manage so much energy and emotion it makes you tired faster.

It means you can get over-stimulated and overwhelmed easier.

This also means you need lot of down time and alone time to rest and recharge.

If you will make sure to daily get this down time, you will do and feel much better in everything.

Being an Empath is a gift and as a gift, you must learn to care for yourself or you will suffer with depression, anxiety, burn out and physical pain.

I’m giving you permission to take alone and rest time everyday.

Please do it, the world needs the gift that you are.


Mama Tiff