Be Brave Nov 29, 2022


The Universe rewards the brave. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Mama Tiff

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It's Good to Charge Money for Your Skills Nov 29, 2022


You have gifts, talents, and something to offer the world. 

In fact, I believe that we all do.

When offering what you have, it's important to experience an...

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#givingtuesday2022 gratitude Nov 29, 2022

I learned a new way to do gratitudes, and wanted to share it with you!



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Life and Death life and death Nov 22, 2022


Where do I begin? 

I thought I’d be writing a message about what it was like to see my mom after 8 years of not seeing her.

Or maybe it would be about what it’s like to walk...

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Driving in a Winter Wonderland with Tiff & Jack running the roads Nov 13, 2022

Do you love to go for drives? If so, we share that with you!

Tiff and I LOVE to get out and run the roads! 

("Running the roads" is a phrase one of our dear friends used and now it's one of...

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Mean People Nov 07, 2022

If someone is unkind to you, it's because they don’t like themselves. So don’t worry too much about it.

How's that for a tip?!

Hugs & Kisses

Mama Tiff

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Commitment Nov 03, 2022

When you're dedicated to making sure your podcast is done every week, sometimes you have to do it at 6 AM before you even brush your teeth! That's because we freaking adore you and love recording...

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Knowledge is NOT Power empath Nov 01, 2022

I always say, "knowledge IS power." And today I've changed my mind!


Mama Tiff

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HAPPINESS CAN BE REAL AF! empath happiness Oct 31, 2022

Hello friend. As I ponder this morning about life and love, I'm experiencing deep feelings of happiness. At 51 I've figured some shit out.

One of which is how to be happy.

Here's the skinny...


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A Witchy-Poo and Her Seasons seasons Oct 25, 2022

I guess I'm a witch. ๐Ÿ˜‰ I love cats, magic, and nature with her seasons. In fact I must live in a place where I experience 4 distinct seasons. This gives me well being.

Now don't get your panties...

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What's it going to be?? empowered living Oct 25, 2022

Either you're going to live a life that you desire, or you're going to live a life that someone else desires for you.

It's one or the other, what will you choose?


Mama ...

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This Message is for YOU... Oct 21, 2022
When you love what you're doing, the rough spots don't hurt so much. 

Mama Tiff

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